25 Years Design & Print Knowledge
Yes, I’d call myself an EXPERT
Hi, My name is Melanie Tomaszewski aka (Mel). Surprise I know a lot of people thought Tivoli was my last name… but hey I tend to digress….
I have been a professional graphic designer for over 25 years. (Am I really that old?) I started at SUNY New Paltz in Publications (My work study job) and later moved onto the Queens Courier in New York. Over the years of my bartending career, I assisted in designing ads, menus and signage for all the restaurants I worked for.
Then in 2008, Tivoli Creative Design Studio in Madison, NJ was born. It started as just a place to design business cards, but it slowly became the go-to for micro and small businesses for all of their design and PRINT needs. This is when I learned the importance of creating print friendly designs that translated to all mediums.
We used to say “We materialize what you visualize!” Through the years, Tivoli collected great print partners to help materialize our clients message in the best way! So yes, we still provide print services (click here later)
After 14 years, my other business ventures began to grow and I decided to significantly reduce my design client base. I was a bit burned out and wanted to focus on my Pottery Studios. (you can click that now, it will open another window and you can browse later)
That DOES NOT mean I didn’t WANT to help others. I see a new sign go up that is illegible and I cringe at the wasted money. Coroplast Signs with WAY TOO MUCH info for a highway drive by. I would stop myself from jumping into new businesses and offering my services because I knew I couldn’t give them the amount of time they deserved.
But then all of these apps came out (on top of the pre-existing Vista Print of which I NEVER EVER USE) and it seems entrepreneurs thought they didn’t need to hire a designer.
Thats where I am now. They do not NEED to hire a designer… but they do need some guidance. And this, this I can do!
yes entertaining photo, I need headshots. I’m trying lose about 20 pounds first! Stay tuned
Email and text are ALWAYS best for communication with Tivoli
Wanna know more… contact us here!